Where I've Worked

Hey there! I'm Michael Latman, a product-focused software engineer currently building critical security software at AWS. I've had the privilege of working on software for early-stage startups at Olive AI, credit card products at Blispay, and ad rendering systems at Alliance Data, along with starting my own contracting business in college.

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Amazon Web Services

Apr 2022 - Present;

Jan 2020 - Apr 2021

Software Engineer II

Baltimore, Maryland

  • Prototyped, designed, and deployed an AuthZ library that modifies UI behavior based on user authorizations using React and TypeScript across four physical security domains

  • Led a team to develop the Java authorization library used to secure access to 100% of AWS data centers. Transitioned nine internal services with zero downtime, achieving $1 million in annual cost savings over the previous solution

  • Served as leader of the UI/UX Guild, guiding 10+ frontend-focused engineers in UI/UX best practices and facilitating constructive wireframe critiques

  • Wrote the security software organization's API standards, led API reviews, and held twice-weekly office hours

  • Created 15+ automations in Python for common on-call operations, saving 11 hours of dev time per week

  • Built a Slack bot that summarized incoming high-severity tickets using Claude 3 Sonnet

  • Led application security reviews as a certified AWS Security Guardian for the organization

  • Regularly interviewed internal customers and users to understand and serve as a voice for their needs at planning meetings

  • Prototyped and developed a shared CDK construct (that deploys OpenSearch Serverless collections, CloudWatch alarms and dashboards, and DynamoDB indexing pipelines), reducing the amount of time needed to deploy OpenSearch from days to hours

Olive AI

Apr 2021 - Apr 2022

Senior Software Engineer - Ventures


  • Led a team of four engineers to build a TypeScript phone tree system with fuzzy search for call center agents at three hospitals. This system helped agents locate hospital resources without needing to switch browser tabs, resulting in a 21% reduction in average call length

  • Developed an engineering excellence guide on best practices for seed-stage startups

  • Provisioned and managed AWS Accounts, GitHub Actions CI/CD pipelines, and led code reviews for five portfolio companies

  • Built a macOS menu bar application in Python for employee time mapping, which fed data into a model to identify bottlenecks in hospital processes. Successfully identified one candidate for automation during a small-scale pilot

  • Rapidly prototyped products in design sprints to validate product-market fit with a panel of potential customers

Alliance Data

Jan 2019 - Jan 2020

Software Engineer

Baltimore, Maryland

  • Worked on the Emerging Payments team to develop credit card products for brand partners

  • Built an ad server in Kotlin that leveraged Mustache templates to generate context-aware ads on brand partners' websites with sub-100 millisecond latency

  • Designed and implemented a centralized Kotlin Spring Security service that facilitated human logins and API authentication for three products

  • Created a generic system for implementing Kotlin Spring services that reduced boilerplate code by 72%

  • Diagnosed and fixed production service issues and wrote unit and integration tests for Kotlin using JUnit and MockK


Jun 2018 - Jan 2019

Software Engineer

Baltimore, Maryland

  • Worked with the product team to create a data model for storing and retrieving customer data, using Java and PostgreSQL, to allow non-technical teams to analyze customer behavior from multiple perspectives

  • Maintained a batch orchestration framework written in Python that processed data dumps from the system of record and ingested them into a data lake

  • Identified customer-impacting system failures and rapidly developed and released fixes for the production React web application


Feb 2017 - Jun 2018


Baltimore, Maryland

  • Assembled a team of three programmers to develop iOS and Android applications using Swift and Java

  • Led product and engineering efforts to deploy Android and iOS apps for clients, including a point-of-sale application that facilitated over a million credit card transactions for the Maryland State Fair

  • Managed billing and project management for ten individual contracts